Puppies were born on 20.08.2014



more info about VIA can find here


Hips  3/6, Elbows  0, Clear Eye certificate, GPRA, CNM and EIC clear

http://fendawoodstuddogs.weebly.com – David Latham, UK


FAME Aguzannis (yellow bitch)

FIZZ Aguzannis (yellow dog)

FREEMAN Aguzannis (yellow dog) – HDA2/A2, ED0/0, eyes clear

šteniatka sa narodili na 61. deň. narodil sa jeden tmavožltý psík a dve bledšie fenky. psík sa narodil  o 14.15 s váhou 0,440 kg, rodil sa zadočkom a tak som mu trošku pomáhala. druhá babenka vyšla ani neviem ako, tak šikovne, narodila sa o 14.50 s váhou 0,420 kg a tretia fenečka išla trošku tažšie,  bo taká veľká bola 🙂 a zároveň vyšlo všetko, čo z maternice vyjsť malo, narodila sa o 16.15 a mala váhu 0,510 kg. sú životaschopné a už len dúfať, že všetko bude ok a budú rásť ako z vody a hlavne, že budú zdravé 🙂

07.10.2014 šteniatka budú mať zajtra 7 týždňov a majú za sebou 3 odčervenia, prvé očkovanie a čipovanie, ktoré bolo 04.10.2014. babenky sa držali statočne ale jasné, že Pán psík kňučal, že až :). sú hravé a vrtké a už spoznávajú malé dummyky a tiež „tenisák“. nemajú to ako hračku ale ako predmet na prinášanie. Ale musím povedať, že sa dokážu medzi sebou poriadne pohádať, ba aj pobiť. krpáni malí 🙂

Puppies were born on 61st day. There was one dark yellow dog and two brighter yellow bitches. Dog was born at 14:15 with weight 440g, he needed a little help. Second bitch goes fast, and even dont know how, she was born at 14:50 with weight 420g and third bitch was bigger, so it was little difficult. She was born at 16:15 with weight 510g. Puppies are viable and now I can hope, that everything will be ok and they will be healthy 🙂

07.10.2014 Puppies will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and they were three times dewormed, first vaccination and chipping, which was at 04.10.2014. Girls was brave, but of course mister dog whines a lot 🙂 They are playful and lively and they already get to know little dummies and also tennis ball. They dont have it as toy, but as object to be brought. But I have to say, that they can really fight, little monsters 🙂