Puppies were born on 13.06.2017


DAM: DIANA Aguzannis (yellow bitch)

more info about DIDI can find here

SIRE: Int. FTCH Arapaho Shelf Lavondyss (black dog)

HD 0/0, ED 0/0, OCD clear, PRA, CNM, EIC, HM, Narcolepsy – clear

www.lavondysslabradors.cz – Martin Incédi, CZ


CHANEL Aguzannis (yellow bitch) – HD A/A, ED0/0, OCD clear, eyes clear

CHERYL Aguzannis (yellow bitch) – HD A/A, ED0/0, OCD clear, eyes clear

CHIAYE Aguzannis (black bitch) – HD A/A, ED0/0, OCD clear, eyes clear

CHLOE Aguzannis (yellow bitch)

CHESTER Aguzannis (yellow dog)

CHAYTON Aguzannis (black dog) – HD A2, ED 0, eyes clear

CHARLES Aguzannis (black dog)

CHRISSTO Aguzannis (yellow dog)

CHIPDALE Aguzannis (yellow dog)

Narodilo sa 5 psíkov a 4 sučky. Šteniatka sú krásne, farebne rôzne ;), predovšetkým čulé a úžasné. Už môžem rozmýšľať nad ich menami, aby som našla pre nich niečo jedinečné ♥

20.6.2017 Šteniatka už majú týždeň. Papajú, spinkajú, tak ako sa patrí. Každodenná ranná očista a potom hmm mäkká deka. Nabehne mamina a znova to isté, papajú a spinkajú. A jasné ešte zopár pusiniek od druhej maminy 😉 ♥

7.7.2017 Neuveriteľné ako ten čas letí. Veď len teraz sme sa narodili a už máme 3 a pol týždňa 🙂 A čo sa odvtedy zmenilo? Asi to najlepšie zatiaľ v našom živote a to je to, že už pár dni dostávame k maminkinmu mliečku aj papaaat. A tiež aj to, že sa nám zväčšilo miesto na spinkanie a hlavne na hranie sa. Lebo sme neeeskutočne aktívne, čulé, hráme sa, bláznime sa, vrtíme s chvostíkmi a po toľkej aktivite sa potom radi natiahneme a fajne si pospinkáme.

13.7.2017 Milí naši priatelia, kamaráti, známi 🙂 Oznamujeme vám, že už máme 4 týždne 🙂 a tým sme sa mohli vybrať na náš prvý výlet. Máme sa výborne, mamička nás vychováva a naše polomamičky sa o nás starajú. Rastieme, pomaličky priberáme, no hlavne sa máme k svetu ♥

5 males and 4 females were born. Puppies are beautiful, colorful different ;), but first lively and amazing. I can already think about their names to find something unique for them  ♥

June 20, 2017 Puppies are one week old. They are eating, sleeping as they supposed to do. Then daily morning cleansing and hmm soft blanket. Mother came and it goes again, eating and sleeping. And of course a few kisses from second mom 😉 ♥

July 7, 2017 Unbelievable how the time flies. We were born just now and we have already 3 and half weeks 🙂 And what has changed since then? Probably the best in our life and its that we can get to eat granules besides mother’s milk. And also that we have increased our sleeping space and especially playing space. Because we’re really active, agile, we’re playing, crazy, wag with the tails and after so much activity we then like to stretch and go sleeping

July 13, 2017 Our dear friends 🙂 Please note that we have already 4 weeks 🙂 and therefore we could go on our first trip. We have a great time, our mom educates us and our half moms care of us. We are growing, slowly gaining, but mainly we are having an amazing time ♥